The Rusty Workers 1.5X|Solo/Duo|Raid Window|Casual Server| Noob

The Rusty Workers 1.5X|Solo/Duo|Raid Window|Casual Server| Noob
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #1026  (points: 52)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 8/60
Last Wipe 7 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 95%
FPS 49  (average: 48.87)
Entities 123537
Country United States

Are you a mature Rust player with a life? Do you have a regular 9 to 5 work,study, schedule at the office or college and then enjoy playing Rust at night with your friends?
Do you hate getting offline raided while you are sleeping, in the office or studying?
If the answer is yes, then you are the reason for this server, come join us.

No more than one raid per day will be allowed during the first week of the wipe (Raid definition for this rule: anything that uses explosives, i.e rockets, C4, satchel or other gun powder based item).
- Raids allowed only between 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM EST (enforced by plugin) daily
- Outpost and Bandit Camp merged in one monument
- Short Night (5 Mins)
- Hackable Creates only 10 minutes
- Solo/Duo (NO ALLIANCES!)
- Recycler in cargoship and both Oil Rigs
- No Tech tree during first week of the wipe
- Minicopters dont decay