Altopia - Biplane || PVE || Modded || Community || Kits || Noob

Altopia - Biplane || PVE || Modded || Community || Kits || Noob
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #741  (points: 92)
Votes 66  (all-time: 950)
Owner altopian
Status online
Players 0/60
Last Wipe 22 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 116  (average: 124.1)
Entities 196121
Country United States

Heavily Modded PVE with a PvP zone. Play Vanilla or choose to increase your yields in many different ways. Custom rotating events get voted on every wipe in our discord. Our admin staff has years of experience and are always happy to help out. Our community is friendly, inclusive & growing everyday. This is a great place to learn the game, make friends and just have an enjoyable experience in the world of rust.