5/9 - 10x (Wiped 2 days ago) 5/9 - 10x (Wiped 2 days ago)
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #727  (points: 15)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 7/100
Last Wipe 2 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 40  (average: 40.00)
Entities 99180
Country United Kingdom

Welcome to rusthurts! We're a brand new community, come give us a try!

Wipe schedule
- Map @ Tuesday 17:00 CET
- Map @ Friday 17:00 CET (Skipped on the first Friday of the month)

Some of the server features
- Team limit: 8
- Smaller maps with all key monuments
- Dynamic server slots, up to 100
- Custom loot tables
- Instant smelting, recycling, mixing, vending and crafting
- Minicopters and Scrap Helicopters spawn on roads
- All blueprints unlocked by default
- No workbench
- Kits, AutoLocks, Remove, BGrade, Rewards, Teleports and much more!

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