[JP] INAKA Vanilla Bi-weekly | 12/20 MAP Wipe

[JP] INAKA Vanilla Bi-weekly | 12/20 MAP Wipe
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #12572  (points: 0)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status offline
Players 0/150
Last Wipe Unknown
Uptime 7 Days: 49%
30 Days: 49%
FPS 53  (average: 58.33)
Entities 138563
Country Japan
Types Ea
Last Check 43 minute(s) ago

JP Only!!
Full wipe on force wipe.
Map wipe on the 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month..
This server will reboot every morning at 5:30 (JST).
IP address changes irregularly to avoid DDOS.
Please speak Japanese or English in Global Chat.(speaking other languages may result in being kicked or banned.)

Banned acts: spamming, hate speech, abusive language, racist remarks, harassment, goosing, sniping.
Have a good time!
Do not cheat!

Have a good time.
Do not cheating!!