【JP】Osaka Beginner Server/1-4人 Quad/WIPE 12/21 【KR.SEA�

【JP】Osaka Beginner Server/1-4人 Quad/WIPE 12/21 【KR.SEA�
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #6976  (points: 5)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 9/105
Last Wipe 2 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 94%
30 Days: 94%
FPS 30  (average: 29.92)
Entities 98725
Country Japan
Types Ea
Last Check 37 minute(s) ago

WELCOMEWELCOME Osaka Beginner Server

・次のワイプは12/27 12:00予定
・ No EAC under 90 days old

・This server is for beginners.
・Map size is 4300
・Next wipe will be 12/27 at 12:00
・Vanilla mode.
・Teams are capped at 4 players.
・No EAC under 90 days old.
・Ban for excessive sticking, teaming, or sharing supplies.
・If you have any questions, please report on discord.

초보자용 서버입니다.
・맵 사이즈는 4300
・다음 와이프는 12/27 12:00 예정
· 바닐라 모드입니다.
・팀의 상한은 4명까지.
・90일 이내의 EAC는 불가
・과도한 점착이나 티밍, 물자 공유는 BAN.
・무엇이 있으면 discord의 보고까지.