EasyRust 2 | No Decay | Monthly

EasyRust 2 | No Decay | Monthly
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #3001  (points: 13)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 1/50
Website https://discord.gg/2gnA8WFauW
Last Wipe 11 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 99%
FPS 53  (average: 53.13)
Entities 149959
Country Australia
Types Oc
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago

Rust, but for people with lives! We're a casual server with a small & friendly community, come stop by the Discord! (click View Webpage)

• No decay, but bases that have been inactive for >14 days will be decayed.
• Minicopters spawn on roads.
• Locked Crates hack twice as fast.
• Plants grow 20% faster.
** Please join the Discord server for full details on these rules! **
• NO griefing. Raiders must return bases to their owner.
• 1 OFFLINE per day, per group.
• NO fully sealing your Tool Cupboard(s).
• NO toxicity. PvP is allowed, but keep interactions civil.
• Max team size of 5.