Rusty Spoon US PVE 5x [Events|Raids|Quests|Zombies|SkillTree]

Rusty Spoon US PVE 5x [Events|Raids|Quests|Zombies|SkillTree]
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #351  (points: 253)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 89/100
Last Wipe 8 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 13  (average: 12.43)
Entities 385180
Country United States
Types Na
Last Check 18 minute(s) ago

• 5x PVE Server
• Skill Tree to boost gather, loot, damage, etc. Even call in your own MLRS.
• Hand-built custom loot tables for every object in the game.
• Raidable Bases with over 250 bases ready to raid!!
• Replaced and added a ton of scientists to make roaming more exciting.
• Zombie Hordes and Custom spawning zombies.
• Roaming bosses scattered across the map, protecting their turf.
• Shop to buy and sell items for in-game currency.
• Virtual Quarries and Pumpjacks for all your afk farming needs.
• Skin your things with over 5200 skins available.
• Call in NPC's to raid your base!
• Harbor Event.
• Armored Train Event.
• Convoy Event.
• Sputnik Event
• Survival Arena PVP Event
• Always running custom maps further customized with buildable locations!