●MadMax Vanilla●

●MadMax Vanilla●
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #1654  (points: 57)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 5/200
Last Wipe 16 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 99%
Country South Africa
Types Af
Last Check 46 minute(s) ago

Madmax is a casual vanilla PvP server catering for beginners and seasoned veterans alike, with reduced upkeep... so it's not all about gathering mats.
◎Monthly Map wipe in 34 days (2025/02/06).
◎Bi-monthly BP wipe in 62 days (2025/03/06).
◉60% reduced upkeep
◉increased turret count

●Read the rules below, ignorance is not an excuse!
●Admin is available via Discord(TEXT CHAT ONLY).
●Max ping allowed is 180ms
●NO VAC bans in the last year
●Max team size: 4

◌Dont offline... kill sleepers so they know who raided them.
◌Dont wall off Points of Interest.
◌Dont be a crayon to other players, mods or admins.
obviously we cant expect you to wait until your targets are online,
but if you cosistently raid only when the server is empty or at 3AM then we
will take action ;)

◌Do be lekker!
◌feel free to contact admin with suggestions (Note: this is a vanilla server, I'm not adding mods)
◌maybe try bring a low hours players into your team and help em out a bit.
◌if someone's being a crayon, let admin know.

●If you feel you have unfairly been banned