Repulsion - Solo/Duo/Trio US | FULLWIPE 07/24 07.24

Repulsion - Solo/Duo/Trio US | FULLWIPE 07/24 07.24
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #227  (points: 347)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 31/150
Last Wipe 2 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 30  (average: 29.80)
Entities 117905
Country United States
Types Na
Last Check 32 minute(s) ago

Repulsion is a High Quality Rust organisation. We thrive to ensure players receive the best experience and server administration there is available.
We host our machines on High Quality, Dedicated servers using next generation hardware in our Dallas datacenter.

We are a non P2W community, and all donations will go towards improving and funding our dedicated machines and tools.

Wipe schedule: Map & BP Wipe on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Map size: 3400
Group Max: 3 Solo/Duo/Trio

We have a team of Mature staff that are dedicated to banning cheaters and supporting any queries when raised. If you need any support please create a ticket on our discord.

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