Tataris - EU Solo/Duo/Trio (04.04)

Tataris - EU Solo/Duo/Trio (04.04)
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #1017  (points: 53)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 2/200
Last Wipe 20 day(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 55  (average: 53.53)
Entities 158223
Country United Kingdom
Types MonthlyVanillaEu
Last Check 40 second(s) ago

Welcome to Tataris - EU Trio
- IF you ever need it our skipqueue is FREE.
- Monthly Map and BP Wipe.
- Maximum team size of 3 people, includes offline members and Auths.
- SOME Minicopters spawn on Roads
- More Boats on Beaches
- Snowmobiles work on any Terrain
- Upkeep per Bracket : 1. 80%, 2. 70%, 3. 60%, 4. 50%
- Non-playing Active Admins.

Other Stuff:
Discord Ticket System,
No VAC or non-Rust Gamebanned Accounts under 100 Days.
For more detailed rules and to contact the Admins join our Community Discord: