Vital Rust - US 10x | No BPs | Kits | Clans

Vital Rust - US 10x | No BPs | Kits | Clans
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #100  (points: 730)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 500/500  (3)
Last Wipe 7 hour(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 30  (average: 30.00)
Entities 448689
Country United States

The most competitive, perfectly modded servers in rust.
All modifications to the server are meant to promote player pvp interaction and quality of life.

Twice Weekly Wipe: Wednesday @ 5PM ET & Saturday @ 2PM ET
Kits & Queue Skip:

- 10x Gathering and Resources
- No BPs & Instant Craft
- Clans, Auth Share, Teleport
- Everyone has access to BGrade, Furnace Splitter, SkinBox, Auto Doors, Box Sorter, Remove
- Improved Loot & Faster Respawning Loot
- Faster Puzzle Resets
- Always Day Time
- Reduced HV Rocket PVP Damage

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