[US] Upsurge Main | 3x Vanilla | 4/19

[US] Upsurge Main | 3x Vanilla | 4/19
Premium No (see benefits)
Rank #213  (points: 264)
Votes (all-time: 0)
Owner Claim
Status online
Players 230/320
Website https://www.upsurgerust.com/
Last Wipe 10 hour(s) ago
Uptime 7 Days: 100%
30 Days: 100%
FPS 30  (average: 30.00)
Entities 115594
Country United States
Types WeeklyVanillaNaModded
Last Check 1 minute(s) ago

Wiped twice weekly on Tuesday and Friday at 4PM ET with the following modifications:
- 3x Gather rates
- Half Craft & Smelt
- Low tier blueprints unlocked (Wiped monthly)

Check out http://upsurgerust.com for more information and queue skip!